New Hams

Are you new to ham radio or interested in getting your license? Here are some resources to get you started:

Dave Castler (KEØOG) has produced a series of ARRL-sanctioned training videos covering all the material that you’ll need to know to pass the exams. This also happens to be good information to review if you haven’t been active  in the hobby for a while.

Here are links to his Technician course, General course, and his Amateur Extra course.

Dave also has a very educational series of over 750 videos on YouTube called “Ask Dave” covering a wide variety of ham radio-related topics.
Click for the full “Ask Dave” playlist.

I got my license, now what?

Noji Ratzlaff (KNØJI) has you covered with an extensive FAQ aimed at new hams covering important topics like “What kind of fun things can I do with ham radio?“, “What if I feel pressured into getting my license?“, and the most important question for a new ham:
What do I do now?

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