The Sky Valley Amateur Radio club owns and operates three local repeaters, all of which are located in an undisclosed location in Sultan, WA approximately 500′ above sea level.
UHF (440) Repeater
- 444.125 MHz, +5 MHz offset
- Tone: 103.5 Hz
- 30 watts output
1.25 Meter (220) Repeater
- 224.180 MHz, -1.6 MHz offset
- Tone: 100.0 Hz
- 20 watts output
6 Meter Repeater
- 53.350 MHz, -1.7 MHz offset
- Tone: 100.00 Hz
- 100 watts output
2 Meter (VHF) Cross Band Link
The club also has a VHF simplex frequency that is monitored and linked to the UHF repeater during our scheduled club nets or other activations:
- 145.650 MHz simplex
- Tone: 103.5 Hz
APRS Transmitter
- Node name: W7SKY-10
- 144.390 MHz